All posts by brilliance

Financing your solar home is easier than you think

Financing your solar home is easier than you think

16 February 2021 3 min read

There has never been a better time to make the switch to solar. As more people are becoming aware of solar energy’s long-term cost-effectiveness, the demand for solar installations is going up. After switching to solar energy, buyers also feel a sense of pride about reducing their carbon footprint by using clean energy for their daily needs.

Over the last decade, the solar industry has come a long way in terms of costs and efficiency. If  installing costs  kept you from going solar until now, there is good news ahead.

Thanks to several lending and tax measures introduced by banks, lending institutions, and governments in recent times, owning solar has never been this affordable and profitable.

Whether you’re looking for a loan or a lease, there are several easy and flexible financing options now available for customers looking to go solar.

So, don’t let the installation costs deter you from adopting solar, which can bring significant savings on energy bills and increase  your property’s value.

Loan it to own it

Loans through home mortgage or the home equity line of credit are a popular choice with many homeowners. It’s no surprise because you don’t have to pay any upfront cost. Your monthly payments will be more or less the same as what you would usually pay to your utility provider every month. While utility power rates are subject to changes due to inflation and market conditions, your payments stay fixed every month.

With the current Investment Tax Credit (ITC), you can claim 26 percent of the installation cost from your federal taxes. That’s not all, you also own the system, thereby increasing the property value of your home.

Even if you can’t take advantage of the tax credit, you can opt for an easy loan option with an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as low as 0.99 percent. These are clean-tech loans with a range of benefits – no collateral or lien against the property, no requirement of a down payment, easy approval and qualification. Moreover, these loans do not come with a pre-payment penalty, which means you can pay them off at your own convenience.

 Ease of lease

If you go for this option, all you have to do is pay a fixed monthly lease amount depending on the installation’s estimated energy produced.

Even if you can’t own one right now, leasing a system still leads to more savings than your traditional monthly bill payments for utility power. You may not own the system, but you also avoid upfront costs.

With this option, the fixed monthly lease amount is all you need to instantly enjoy the benefits of clean solar power. You won’t have to worry about your carbon footprint anymore, either.

 Future-proof with a PPA

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is another good financing option for homeowners. This is an agreement between the customer and the developer. The developer installs the system on the customer’s property at little or no cost and sells the generated power to the customer at a fixed rate.

This monthly rate is usually lower than the region’s utility power rate. With the PPA option, you can end up saving on your electricity expenses for at least 20 years. As per the agreement, after this period, you can choose to either buy the installation, renew the PPA or discontinue it.

With so many financing options now available, interested customers find themselves more empowered to reap the benefits of clean solar energy in a way that’s friendlier to their budgets.

These flexible options for solar buyers are a testament to the trust that banks and the government have in the performance and ultimate benefits of solar energy and related products.

Homeowners are just a few steps away from becoming entirely energy-independent and immune to future utility price fluctuations.

Now is certainly a good time to go solar. In fact, it would be irresponsible not to go solar.

 Choose GreenBrilliance for your solar needs

Our goal is to help our customers make informed decisions to invest in solar energy to bring them peace of mind. We offer our customers a wide range of easy financing options to pick from.

Contact us to find out about the solar financing option that’s best for you.

Five reasons to go solar in 2021

Five reasons to go solar in 2021

11 February 2021 2 min read

Did you know that the amount of power the sun emits in an hour is more than the total power humans need in a year? That itself should be reason enough to make better use of solar energy. Governments, organizations, and citizen groups may have been slow to embrace renewable energy sources, but they are now pushing for their use more than ever before. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you should join the solar fan club:

  1. Make a difference to the environment

Climate change has already led to a rise in the number of natural disasters and their intensity worldwide. Make a difference to the environment by adopting solar energy. By reducing your dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, you reduce your carbon footprint.

  1. Better accessibility to solar energy

The latest technology has made solar energy increasingly accessible and affordable. The cost of solar panels and installing them has been on a downward trend in recent times. Moreover, solar energy equipment is more durable, making it even more efficient. Rather than paying money to traditional utility bills, be smart and go solar.

  1. Reduce your electricity bills

All of us now find ourselves spending more time indoors thanks to the global pandemic. With most of us working from home, children attending classes online, and at-home movie nights – we’re using all kinds of devices and appliances all day long.

You may have been seeing higher electricity bills ever since we were locked into our homes. That’s why it’s the perfect time to go solar. Over time, you end up making huge savings on your electricity bills. When you install solar panels on your property, you’re practically generating your electricity. In case your solar panel installation doesn’t generate enough power for all your needs, you still reduce your use of traditional energy sources, thereby reducing your utility bills.

  1. Increase the value of your property

Homebuyers are now more conscious and look for houses with pre-installed solar solutions. Potential homeowners on the market are more aware of solar energy installations.

Various studies indicate that the demand for properties with pre-installed solar solutions is rising and will continue to enjoy popularity.

Green Brilliance provides you with a holistic solar solution that gives you peace of mind and adds value to your property.

  1. Gain tax credit

Homeowners or tenants who installed solar systems in 2019 and 2020 became eligible for a federal solar investment tax credit of 30 percent and 26 percent, respectively. In 2021, the tax credit is 22 percent.

The benefit may expire in 2022 unless the government decides to renew it. The tax credit may appear lesser than 2019, but most homeowners still consider it a significant amount. The benefit is computed on the cost of panels, labor costs, costs of other related equipment, and related sales taxes.

There are several factors to consider before making your solar decision, but shifting to solar energy sooner than later may be wiser this year.

Connect with Green Brilliance

Get a Free Evaluation for a truly comprehensive solar solution that allows you to adopt a sustainable lifestyle and significantly lower your electricity costs.

Here’s why solar users must take data privacy and security seriously

Here’s why solar users must take data privacy and security seriously

08 February 2021 3 min read

With a majority of our personal lives now virtual, we are rushing headfirst into a digital world order. For many, embracing digital tools happened a long time ago. For the rest who were hesitating until now, 2020 forced the switch to digital on them. While virtual platforms have certainly made it easier to live with a pandemic, we still need to be wary of menacing elements lurking in cyberspace – now more than ever.

The big deal about data

The biggest threat to living digitally is identity and data theft. Data may be of little value to the average user, but the data of masses of users put together is of immense value to big businesses. “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data,” stated The Economist in 2017.

With all eyes on data and our growing dependence on digital tools, safeguarding data has become as important as locking one’s house or keeping valuables in a locker.

You may be wondering how any of this related to solar. By now, businesses across sectors use state-of-the-art digital technology to store and analyze consumer data in a bid to improve their products and services. The solar industry is no stranger to this either. Existing and potential solar energy users should watch out for a number of data threats.

According to a Statista report, the US recorded 1,473 data breaches with over 164 million sensitive records exposed in 2019. Therefore, before forwarding our data, we need to ensure that the receiving entities handle it securely and do not leak it out – unwittingly or otherwise. This is one of the first and most crucial data hygiene habits to adopt.

Data threats to watch out for

Phishing is one of the most common ways to exploit personal data. In the US, one-third of all cybersecurity breaches in 2019 involved phishing, according to Security Intelligence.

To avoid falling victim to phishing, be wary of deceptive online communication such as ads and emails. Attackers often succeed in posing as legitimate companies by using genuine-sounding names like ‘Virginia Solar Corporation’.

When such communication claims to offer attractive benefits like ‘huge discounts on solar’ or ‘free solar’ that seem too good to be true, it’s usually a good red flag. Most often, users unknowingly click these links and end up sharing their personal details.

While you may never enjoy the offer or discount you registered for, your details serve as data for the attackers. They go on to illegally sell it to solar companies who then tend to spam potential customers with incessant calls, texts, snail mail or emails.

Worse still, an attacker may simply use your data to steal from you. Never share your card or banking details with strangers or online services you don’t trust.

Is it a data-responsible business?

User data also becomes vulnerable when they transact with a business that handles its customer data poorly or has installed an inadequate information security system. Businesses that lack a robust information security system are more vulnerable to a cyberattack which results in their customer data getting leaked or exposed. Also a business may be keeping your data secure but it may still not be private. They may share it with third parties. Always read the fine print carefully to see if there is any clause about your data being exposed to other entities.

Therefore, it’s a good habit to consider data privacy and security as an important factor before choosing any service provider. Make sure you buy from businesses that promise watertight data security and are committed to customer data privacy. It also serves as a sign that the business takes the data of their consumers seriously.

Here’s a list of best practices to eliminate all data security loopholes:

For customers:

  • Do not trust ads with unbelievable promises like ‘free solar’ or ‘100% discount’
  • Do not share your private information with unknown entities over a phone call or email, even if it looks official
  • Do not download or click on anything received from an unknown and unexpected source

Before buying from a business, make sure:

  • The business follows all the required data security guidelines and uses the latest tools and technology to protect customer data
  • It follows responsible data use and storage practices
  • It has a data security policy
  • It trains employees on best practices for handling customer data

At GreenBrilliance, we employ a robust data security infrastructure to ensure our customers’ sensitive information remains secure and private. Here’s why you don’t need to worry about your data when doing business with us:

  • All customer information is cloud encrypted.
  • Contracts are protected with DocuSign.
  • All digital data is stored and used securely. It cannot be produced physically and is not shared with any other entity.
  • Only a limited number of employees have access to customer data on a need-to-know basis.
  • We do not share data with any external parties.
  • Customers can self-access their data safely using an ID and password.

For GreenBrilliance, keeping customer data safe is not a one-time activity. It’s a continued commitment to invest in state-of-the-art systems, employee training and superior vigilance.

Your data security and privacy is our priority.

Powering a Solar Future: In Conversation with Sumit Bhatnagar, President & CEO – GreenBrilliance

Powering a Solar Future: In Conversation with Sumit Bhatnagar, President & CEO – GreenBrilliance

12 January 2021 5 min read

A leading solar solution provider for homes and businesses in tri-state (DMV) Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia, GreenBrilliance continues to delight its customers with high-quality products and service excellence. The company has a proven track record of delivering trust and transparency over more than a decade of operations. It has been named one of the top 200 solar contractors in the USA by Solar Power World and #1 solar contractor in D.C.

President and CEO Sumit Bhatnagar founded GreenBrilliance in 2007 when the general perception of solar energy among Americans was a farm of solar panels at the center of a desert or a field.

To find out how solar has changed over the years, where it is headed and what makes GreenBrilliance stand out, we spoke to Sumit on the eve of the New Year. Here are excerpts from our conversation.

Q. You’ve been in this industry for more than a decade. How has solar changed over the years, especially from when you founded GreenBrilliance?

It has changed significantly! Back in 2010, the panels costed 12 times what they do now. The market was new and small and heavily depended on subsidiaries. There weren’t many players in the market, and people were not aware of solar energy and its benefits. So, naturally, people were not very receptive to the idea that they can use solar energy for their homes or offices.

You compare that with now, and you see a completely different picture. Climate change is something every person knows and talks about. It has taken a center stage in the global economy. So, they are more aware of the value of solar and other renewables, not only in terms of cost savings but also in reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to a greener future. There is a lot of information available on the benefits of solar and how it is continuously becoming more efficient and affordable. The awareness has accelerated solar adoption, especially among households.

Solar efficiency has gone up, costs have come down, and manufacturers have improved processes. The overall effect is solar adoption has increased over the last decade. That’s good news for businesses, homeowners, and the planet.

Q. 2020 was a challenging year for almost all industries. How do you think the solar sector fared during the pandemic?

It did quite well actually, given the unusual circumstances we found ourselves in. The year started exceptionally well. The first three months made for the best quarter ever for the industry in terms of total installations. Then the pandemic arrived, and the second quarter took a hit. But Q3 onwards, the industry recovered beyond expectations.

We witnessed an uptick in the number of customers choosing to go solar amid the pandemic, and it was very encouraging. The cost and energy efficiencies that customers have garnered in these unprecedented times have made their transition well worth it. From an industry perspective, the latest estimates are putting the total growth in 2020 to be more than 40% over 2019, which is incredible.

Overall, we have seen the costs of panels decreasing over the years, while some innovations are increasing the efficiency of panels. So, the value of solar is rising, and I see it continuing this way.

Q. Amid tight competition, what does GreenBrilliance do differently?

The short answer is, we believe in delivering value. Today, there are many players in the solar industry. Most of them speak the language of sales and numbers. They work on a ‘sell-and-move-on’ approach. This is where we are different. Our focus is purely on high-quality “Made in America” installations and long-term customer relationships. We care about our customers, the products we are installing for them, the service, and satisfaction. We are invested into our customers emotionally as well as financially. As you can imagine, it takes significant resources to honor bumper-to-bumper warranties of 25-years on our installation deliveries.

Some players are less committed towards the quality of solar panels they offer or the service. This does make the customers apprehensive about whether they should adopt solar and affects the industry.

As an independent third-party endorsement, we have partnered with Pearl Certification. This makes the customers aware of the value they are getting, besides giving them a sense of trust. We also ensure that they understand the value solar adds to their home, which is reflected when it is time to sell the house or refinance or even get a home equity line of credit for renovations or upgrades.

We have seen our relationships with our customers grow stronger over the years. It is okay if we grow slow, as long as we grow strong.

Q. GreenBrilliance offers financing options where there are no upfront payments. Could you elaborate on that?

Yes, we have a range of flexible financing options to make solar adoption more affordable. For example, a 25-year plan with 2.99% APR, one of the best terms you can get in financing anything. You cannot even finance your home or a car on these terms. So, you can imagine the reliability and trust the banks have on solar energy products and their performance.

For customers who don’t have a tax equity and cannot take advantage of a 26% investment tax credit, we offer PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) terms where they have no solar expense at all and get savings on their electric bills for a minimum of 20 years. We have such attractive options for every type of customer, so it would probably be irresponsible to not go solar today.

Experts have estimated that the resale value of a home increases by $5,000 for every kilowatt of solar installed. Add to that the investment tax credit that allows you to recover 26% of your installation costs. These are very real and incredible benefits of adopting solar and should not be ignored.

Q. What is the role of solar batteries in a home solar power system?

Batteries are a crucial partner to a solar energy solution, and together they bring complete energy independence to customers. A solar battery storage can take care of excess power requirement during nights or help with power needs during a blackout in the grid. This market is significantly growing, indicating an uptick in the number of customers going for the PV-battery storage system for their energy consumption.

There are some technical aspects that need to be understood before buying a battery—the capacity, discharge depth, lifespan, round-trip efficiency, etc. These depend on the customer’s energy consumption needs and financial appetite. We are certified providers of Tesla Powerwall and LG Chem batteries, both leaders in the energy storage front, and we facilitate consultation for our customers on what is the best battery solution for their needs.

Q. How do you see the future of the solar industry?

I am very confident that 2021 is going to be great. Because of the pandemic and lockdowns, many projects scheduled in 2020 had to be moved to 2021 as well. Add to that the increasing demand, and you clearly have a year of unprecedented prospects. We have seen the reappearance of bifacial modules that allow panels to capture solar energy from both sides. This will also be quite significant.

Congress has extended 26% solar investment tax credit for the next two years, which is a testament to the solar industry and sets it up for significant growth.

The cost-innovation-efficiency dynamic is going well for the industry, and the next decade will be truly exciting.

2020: A defining year for solar despite COVID-19

2020: A defining year for solar despite COVID-19

28 December 2020 3 min read

2020 has been a year unlike any other we have seen in our lifetime. The pandemic has changed the world economically, socially and even politically. While many businesses and industries continue to struggle through the effects of the virus, the lockdowns and the new normal, the solar industry has been faring well.

Yes, the solar sector has been affected by the global pandemic, but it has still managed to make 2020 the best year in terms of new installations. This means that the adoption of renewable energy for power production continues to grow, and solar is currently leading this front.

The demand for solar power continues to grow. Meanwhile, several innovations continue to make solar more efficient, better integrated with the grid and less costly.

The sun continued to shine on solar in 2020

According to a report by Wood Mackenzie and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)1, the solar industry in the US will have installed a total of 18 GW in 2020, reflecting a 37% increase in total installations over the last year. 18 GW is enough to power more than three million homes.

In the first three months of the year, the US installed more solar than in any previous quarter. According to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence and the SEIA2, 1.96 GW of utility-scale solar was installed in Q1/2020, up more than 65% from the total installed in Q1/2019. After factoring in the residential installations, the total capacity installed comes to 3.6 GW for the first quarter.

From January to September, 70% of new US power capacity came from renewable energy, with solar accounting for 43%, according to FERC3. In September alone, 100% of all new power plant capacity came from solar and wind energy.

Solar energy has seen a dramatic change in adoption and costs over the last decade. Back in 2010, solar panels were 12 times more expensive than they are now. Also, the global solar market was small and highly dependent on subsidiaries back then. Compare that with 2020, where the total solar installations are on way to outdo all other power generation technologies put together.

A bright future

In the near future, technological improvements will continue to make solar more competitive. According to estimates by International Renewable Energy Agency’s Future of Solar Photovoltaic4, by 2030 solar would have become the most important power generation source in a large part of the world. Innovations in production are expected to reduce the costs of silver and silicon used in the manufacture of solar cells.

Also, efforts are already underway to create more efficient modules that can generate 1.5 times more power than the modules we use today. Add to that the innovation of bifacial modules that allow panels to capture solar energy from both sides.

Another significant innovation is improving the integration of solar into homes, businesses and power systems, for better power electronics and a greater use of low-cost digital technologies.

Overall, solar will continue to reach a levelized cost of energy that will make it superior to fossil fuels. The positive impacts of this on climate change and environment will be significant.

The global demand for solar is expected to rise, and 2021 will be even better. It will address completion of delayed projects from 2020 as well as develop new projects to meet the increasing demand.

Choose GreenBrilliance for your solar needs

Our goal is to help customers invest in solar energy with peace of mind. We have adapted to the new normal—our professionals are trained to cater to your needs while following norms and guidelines set by the World Health Organization to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, we have redesigned our processes in a way that consultation, design and engineering services are provided digitally.

Protect your solar installation with squirrel guard

Protect your solar installation with squirrel guard

10 November 2020 2 min read

Do you want to do your part to combat climate change and preserve the environment? Switching to solar energy is the best way to do so. Solar energy allows you to adopt a sustainable lifestyle and reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, it gives you energy independence and savings in your utility bills.

Undoubtedly, a solar power system is a valuable asset for your home. Here’s how you can protect it.

Safeguard your solar power system

Typically, a home solar installation will have solar panels on the roof. This exposes the panels to weather elements, local wildlife, and environmental debris like twigs and dry leaves. Birds and critters build their homes around the solar panels, which can damage power lines. They can also peck and chew on the parts and wires. The birds and animals might get hurt too.

Besides, twigs and leaves can collect under your panels, causing issues to the parts and potential fire hazards. These challenges can disrupt the solar power system’s functioning and lead to expensive repairs. Therefore, it is important to safeguard panels from birds and animals.

That’s where a squirrel guard can help.

What is a squirrel guard?

A squirrel guard is a PVC-coated aluminum fencing that wraps around the solar panels and saves the equipment from damages caused by the creatures. At the same time, birds and critters will not get injured.

How do I install a squirrel guard?

At GreenBrilliance, we offer a squirrel guard along with solar panels. We can install it alongwith the rooftop panel setup. This convenient bundled solution saves you from the hassles of external installation or a service call later on.

Solar experts suggest that it is not a good idea to set up the critter guards yourself, as it can be perilous to you as well as the existing system. If done incorrectly, it can compromise the system. If you have an existing solar energy solution and want to add a squirrel guard, you can contact us. Our qualified and experienced professionals can help you every step of the way during the squirrel guard installation.

Install a comprehensive solar solution with GreenBrilliance

A squirrel guard is a worthwhile investment. It protects your solar installation from potential damages and provides an aesthetic look to the roof. In addition, our smart approach to powering a solar future ensures that our customers get robust solar systems that are trouble-free, require low maintenance, and deliver high ROI.

Contact us to know more about squirrel guards and our superior quality, ‘Made in USA’ solar solutions.

GreenBrilliance featured in the ‘Top 200 Solar Contractors’ List

GreenBrilliance featured in the ‘Top 200 Solar Contractors’ List

15 October 2020 2 min read

GreenBrilliance is to delighted to be featured in the ‘Top Solar Contractors’ list by Solar Power World, a leading magazine in the solar industry. The companies on the list are ranked according to their influence in the solar industry and the number of kilowatts installed in 2019. As a premium solar solutions provider, we were ranked among the Top 200 this year. Our relentless pursuit of excellence in providing end-to-end, integrated solar systems and driving the highest level of customer satisfaction helped us attain this position.

Commenting on the achievement, our CEO Sumit Bhatnagar, said “It is a big day for GreenBrilliance. Making it to the list of ‘Top Solar Contractors’ in the USA for many years in a row reinforces our commitment to powering a solar future. I would like to thank my team for their sheer dedication and passion. All our solar experts are truly committed to creating a sustainable and clean future. We will continue to work hard to be among the country’s foremost solar solution providers.”

Speaking about how COVID-19 has affected GreenBrilliance, Bhatnagar added that amidst the pandemic, where many businesses have been adversely impacted, GreenBrilliance has risen strongly. “Our commitment to our core principles is the wind beneath our wings. We provide on-grid and off-grid turnkey solar installations to fulfil energy requirements of residences, commercial organizations and government organizations. Furthermore, with our Pearl certification, we aim to bring high-quality, energy-efficient solar power to every American home. Our NABCEP certification guarantees that we have the requisite knowledge and experience to handle project complexities and build a robust solar system.”

Meanwhile, Kelsey Misbrener, Senior Editor of Solar Power World, remarked, “All contractors featured on our 2020 list report strong installation numbers in 2019 and continue to stand tall this year.” While she expressed concern about the pandemic’s effects on the solar market, she stated, nonetheless, that the “solar industry will push through.”

About Solar Power World

Solar Power World (SPW) is a leading media outlet for the US solar market. Founded in 2011, SPW creates daily online news content, weekly e-newsletters, regular webinars, and podcasts, among other content forms. The company helps the US solar contractors, including developers, installers, and EPCs, to expand their businesses.

Switch to solar with GreenBrilliance

At GreenBrilliance, we are a vertically integrated solar solutions provider focused on powering a solar future. Click here to gain peace of mind while switching to solar.

Here’s why you should choose a Pearl-certified solar contractor

Here’s why you should choose a Pearl-certified solar contractor

26 September 2020 2 min read

Here’s why you should choose a Pearl-certified solar contractor

Switching to solar power for your home or business can be a very rewarding experience. But in all the excitement, it is important not to lose focus of certain aspects while making a decision. After all, it is a substantial investment and a long-term one.

While investing in a solar system for savings and environment benefits, it is essential that you protect yourself against any downside. This means investing in high-quality systems. It will not only help you save on your utility bills but also ensure peace of mind.

A Pearl certification is a global standard for high-performing solar homes. As a third-party endorsement, it is a standard for homes that guarantees the quality of your solar equipment.

When you switch to solar power by installing panels on your roof, a third-party organization like Pearl does the required checks to ensure that you receive value for money. Not just that, the certification increases the market value of your home.

About Pearl

Pearl is the only market-based firm approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to administer the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program for existing homes. Pearl has also been accepted into the National Association of REALTORS’® prestigious REACH Technology Accelerator.

Here is a quick round up of things that a Pearl-certified solar installer will ensure for your home:

1. A high-quality installation

The assurance of having a third-party expert visit your home and certify the contractor’s installation instills confidence. It makes sure that every piece of solar equipment is of best-in-class quality and is correctly installed. It distinguishes installers using reliable and compliant products and has acceptance in the market.

2. An energy-efficient system

A Pearl certification makes sure that your home, after solar installation, is optimized for energy efficiency. This is a critical factor in ensuring lower energy bills in the long run. With an energy-efficient solar system, you contribute to the environment and a sustainable future.

3. Increased marketability of your home

Homebuyers often look for a home beyond aesthetics. Savings on utility bills are an important consideration when making a home-buying decision. A recent report by Zillow stated that almost half of the homebuyers are seeking energy-efficient features while house hunting. A Pearl-certified energy-efficient home increases the sales price premium of your house by 5%, making the home more valuable.

4. Third-party documentation and certification

A third-party quality check, like Pearl, assures an unbiased, independent, and honest assessment of a solar installation. A detailed report acts as a proof of credibility and authenticity of your equipment. A Pearl-certified home indicates that your house has improved air circulation and that there’s more to your home than a shell of walls and wires.

Hence, when looking for a solar partner, it is prudent to take some time to do your due diligence and check for a Pearl-certified partner.

Choose GreenBrilliance for a Pearl-certified home

At GreenBrilliance, our goal is to help our clients invest in a solar system with peace of mind. Our partnership with Pearl Certification helps us do just that.

How GreenBrilliance is serving customers amid COVID-19

How GreenBrilliance is serving customers amid COVID-19

02 August 2020 2 min read

A few months ago, none of us imagined that we would be facing a pandemic. No one knew that social, cultural, and religious gatherings would have to be paused for a long time. But, agile as we are, we quickly adapt to new situations and realities. Amidst the pandemic, we have found effective methods to continue our lives and livelihoods. Wearing a mask, maintaining hygiene, and following social distancing norms have become the new normal.

At GreenBrilliance, we have trained our team to follow various hygiene measures to safely serve our customers. Here are few measures we’ve undertaken amid COVID-19:

1. Maintaining proper hygiene

Our qualified professionals and engineers follow the norms and guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We have trained our executives to wear masks and use sanitizers frequently. Our team follows social distancing guidelines and maintains a minimum distance of 1m from others. We have advised our executives to stay at home if they experience any symptoms such as fever or difficulty in breathing. We remain committed to prioritizing safety while providing customers with the best of our services.

2. Providing prompt customer assistance

As a premium solar installer in tri-state DMV (DC, Maryland and Virginia), our values of openness, responsibility and customer satisfaction are at the core of our actions. We ensure that all the queries raised by our customers are resolved at the earliest and we are proactive to reach out to them for any assistance that they may need. Our team is vigilant and ready to address any issues quickly. This is our way of working towards our vision of powering a solar future.

3. Going digital to streamline the process

Catering to customer needs can be challenging amid social distancing advisories. At GreenBrilliance, we are committed to ensure that our customers do not face any issue during the entire process. We have redesigned our process such that consultation, design & engineering services are provided digitally. Our team coordinates with customers on digital platforms, through instant messages, calls and emails before initiating a seamless on-site installation. These practices ensure that our customers are treated with respect, compassion, and professionalism at all times while ensuring safety.

As one of the leading solar contractors with a 100% Made-in-USA promise, we are committed to keeping our communication transparent and responsive. Our client testimonials are proof that we value our customers and cater to their unique requirements with a personalized approach. As we learn to survive amid the pandemic, we are practising the necessary precautions by ensuring that our customers and executives remain safe and healthy.

Switch to solar with GreenBrilliance

At GreenBrilliance, our goal is to help our customers invest in a solar system with peace of mind. Our safety measures around COVID-19 help us do just that.

5 benefits of switching to solar

5 benefits of switching to solar

22 June 2020 3 min read

Do you want to do your bit to combat climate change and global warming but don’t know where to start? Are you considering adopting a sustainable lifestyle but are not sure how to cut down your carbon footprint? Switching to solar energy is one of the most sustainable options.

Here’s why.

Every day, our planet is bathed in energy from the sun. In one hour, the earth receives more power than we use in an entire year. By capturing this energy, we can produce sufficient electricity for our homes and offices, without releasing any greenhouse gases into the environment.

That’s not all! Solar power is also a great way to achieve energy independence and incur significant savings down the line. Here are 5 benefits of switching to solar:

1. Significant savings on electricity

Rising utility bills are a cause of concern for many American families. When you opt for a solar power system, you prepay 40 years of power at a fraction of the cost you would otherwise have to bear. Solar energy helps offset the initial down payment with considerably lower monthly payouts for electricity.

With solar power solutions, you can:

  • Balance initial expenditure with incredible savings on monthly bills
  • Become an energy producer instead of a consumer
  • Sell the surplus power generated and receive payments in your account

2. Freedom from the utility grid and self-sufficiency

Homes and offices across the United States are experiencing an increased frequency of power outages and blackouts. The disruptions and blackouts are much more pronounced in regions prone to extreme weathers. Solar energy is, therefore, the ticket to assured electricity independence.

With solar power, you can:

  • Directly tap into the sunshine from the solar panels or store energy in batteries for round-the-clock usage
  • Gain peace of mind with an accessible and efficient source of energy
  • Take uncertainty and unpredictability of supply from the utility grid out of the equation

3. Diverse residential and commercial applications

Solar power installations can power not just the lights in your home, but also other electrical appliances. You can use the power generated from the solar panels for diverse purposes, such as HVACs and water heaters, throughout the year.

With solar power solutions, you can:

  • Use every appliance and gadget at ease
  • Power your electric vehicle with a green energy source
  • Distil water in remote locations with a limited supply of clean, potable water

4. Lucrative tax incentives

Not very long ago, solar installations were too expensive for residential usage. But today, thanks to varied local, state and federal tax breaks, solar power is as affordable as it gets. For instance, you can utilize federal tax credits of 30% of the installed system costs or use state-wise incentives.

With solar power solutions, you can:

  • Get up to USD 10,000 worth of grants for systems under 20 kW capacity, depending on the state
  • Avail tax credits of up to 50% of the total cost for varied applications, depending on the state
  • Augment the resale value of your home by up to 4%

5. Eco-friendly power from a renewable source

Solar energy is 100% clean and renewable, thus reducing your dependence on fossil fuels for the production of electricity. Subsequently, you would cut down the harmful greenhouse gases that induce climate change and contribute to a greener planet for everyone.

With solar power solutions, you can:

  • Lower your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions significantly
  • Protect the ozone layer and the environment from irreversible damage
  • Conserve the planet and create a better future for the generations to come

Plugging into the sun with GreenBrilliance

If you are excited about venturing into the world of solar energy, GreenBrilliance would be delighted to assist you with the next steps of the process. Click here to Get a Free Evaluation.